Randomness as a choice... Since the workshop accident, the frost of 1987, which destroyed all my figurative sculptures, I have been fascinated by chance and destiny. Since that day, I decided to let it intervene in my work, so that it could add its touch to my work.
Isabelle D'Assignies was born in 1958 in Saint-Etienne. After leaving the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Mâcon in 1981, she worked on figurative sculptures in sandstone as well as ceramics, which, in the euphoria of the 1980s, immediately met with a certain success. In 1987, a workshop accident disrupted her work. One night in February, the frost exploded all the sculptures waiting to be fired in the workshop. In the morning, Isabelle d'Assignies discovered all her figurative works exploded, broken down into layers, revealing a fantastic material... which led the artist to realize that figuration, the figurative form, had kept her away from the matter. This workshop accident is a breaking point. From then on, she decided to continue in the direction where chance had led her... she interrupted all her exhibitions, in order to freely pursue sculptures made with matter, nature, time and chance...